San Francisco Limo Blog

The Ultimate Road Warrior Carry-On: What to Pack for Business Travel

Posted by Gulbahar Bhullar on Tue, Feb 18, 2014 @ 05:00 AM

How to Pack for Business Trips Packing For Business Travel

Packing for a business trip is different from packing for a vacation. You may need to take important papers along with your laptop or touch pad, headphone and smartphone. These are the most important items. Clothes may come second.

It is a good idea to expect the unexpected when traveling. This includes airline delays, bad weather and local traffic. Your carry-on bag and a handbag or computer bag/briefcase will offer you more mobility for last minute changes.


Know about your destination. Your smartphone or computer will supply information and give you reference points.

Know the destination's weather forecast  for your dates of travel, transportation options including a chauffeured car, hotel options and the neighborhood where you will stay.

Pack accordingly with a heavy coat or lightweight clothing depending on the climate. Men generally pack one suit with several ties and shirts. A lightweight short-sleeved shirt may be acceptable for that business trip to Houston or Hong Kong during the summer.

Women pack skirt or pants suits with different blouses and tops. There is a lot of flexibility with professional women's clothing for day and evening while working with the weather.

Wear comfortable shoes and pack a pair of sport shoes if room allows. Take work-out clothing if the hotel you are staying in has a gym and swimwear if there is a pool. You may be able to squeeze out an hour or two for recreation in your busy schedule.

Take a fold-up plastic raincoat even if you are just going for a short business trip to Miami or Indianapolis. A fold-up waterproof bag may also be handy to cover your handbag or computer during a sudden cloudburst. Rainstorms happen even when clear skies are predicted.


Learn about your hotel's location, including restaurants so that you do not have to go out at night if you are alone. A whistle is always recommended for woman travelers and it works for men as well in emergencies.  

Unless you are going into the Brazilian jungle or Kalahari desert, bottled water will be available at decent hotels in exotic locations. You may also want to drink bottled water in St. Louis or Los Angeles. If you suspect that water quality will be a problem, carry water purifying tablets or even a small bottle with a filter. 

A small first aid kit with bandages and antibiotic cream will fit into a handbag or computer bag. This is a good extra to treat cuts and scrapes.

Travel light

Razors, most aerosols, hair products and other liquids must be in checked bags, according to airport security rules. Only small bottles of shampoo and toothpaste tubes are allowed in hand luggage.  Most business hotels do supply disposable razors, shampoo and other grooming aids for travelers so they do not have purchase toiletries at their destination..

There are different types of carry-on bags available that will hold a computer as well as carefully folded or rolled clothing. Airline passengers are allowed to carry on a handbag or briefcase or computer bag that will fit under a seat along with a piece of luggage that will fit in the overhead compartment.

The experienced business traveler knows how to pack light and carry on just what is needed when flying to a destination. Smart business travelers can also arrange to have a chauffeured car waiting for them at the their destination. They leave the plane, go through immigration and customs if necessary and find the driver at a prearranged location.  Check out Angel Worldwide Transportation to make business travel easier for the road warrior.

Travel Expert

photo credit: juicyrai via photopin cc

Topics: Business travel, corporate travel tips, Corporate Travel Manager