San Francisco Limo Blog

8 Essential Tools For Road Warriors

Posted by Gulbahar Bhullar on Tue, Aug 27, 2013 @ 05:00 AM

Business Trip Tech For Boosting Productivity 

Before the current arsenal of technology had existed, business travel was a black hole for productivity. You could probably jot down and ideas with a pen and notepad and make a few calls from your cell phone, but that was basically it. Once you got to your hotel, it was possible that you could find a business center or connect your own laptop to the internet, but you were limited to browsing the web and checking email. Our generation of professionals, however, has more freedom to work from wherever we want, thanks to the evolution of business tools. An executive can set up shop anywhere they’d like -- a coffee shop table, an airport lobby, sitting in a chauffeured car or executive van -- and have just as much communicative technology as their home office. Here are 8 essential tech tools for the frequent business traveler.

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Topics: Business travel, corporate travel tips, CEO technology

Best Technology for Mobile CEOs

Posted by Gulbahar Bhullar on Mon, Feb 04, 2013 @ 05:05 AM

Work and Relaxation for Road Warrior CEOs

The life of a CEO can seem unceasing in its demands for time, energy and productivity. From wearing several management hats without the ease of the office environment, to traveling to new cities several times a year, the life of a road-warrior CEO can be a hard one to live, especially without the necessary tools to stay informed and productive on the road.

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Topics: productivity tips, corporate travel tips, CEO technology, business development