San Francisco Limo Blog

How to Minimize Corporate Travel Risks

Posted by Gulbahar Bhullar on Thu, Feb 20, 2014 @ 05:00 AM

4 Ways to Boost Executive Travel Security Minimize Corporate Travel Risks

When travel is part of the job, the fewer the risks you have to face the better. While travel has improved in many ways throughout the years, there are still some incredible stressful elements of business travel, so whether you are traveling on your own or you are venturing out with a group, there are different elements you can consider and utilize in order to make the travel experience the very best for all involved parties. 

Book Ahead of Time

It is so important to book everything ahead of time. This way, you know not only what flight you are on, but your hotel and the means of transportation for arriving at the hotel. The fewer things you have to worry about the easier travel is going to be. Many hotels are going to offer shuttle services, so contact the hotel and set this up, but make sure to give the hotel your flight information, so they are able to pick you up from the correct gate. This way, instead of having to deal with the line for cabs at the departure gate, you just have to find the individual holding a sign with your name on it and you're good to go. Plus, most travel services you book through have applications available for your phone, so you can stay on top of your current travel plans right off of your smartphone.

Keep Important Items on You

If you have a presentation to give when you arrive or different information to pass out, make sure it is in your carry on. Everything of vital importance to the meeting or event needs to be in your carry-on, if at all possible. This way, should the airline misplace your luggage you don't have an immediate panic attack. By keeping all of the essential elements on hand at all times you are able to cut down on your level of stress, and best of all, you can prepare, edit and adjust any sort of presentation material while on your flight.

Stay Connected

Although the airport is all about connecting you to different locations throughout the world, you might quickly find you are actually cut off, right when you walk past security. While your cell phone still works, many airports only have Internet in select locations. When you have an hour or two to kill between flights, you don't want to just sit around without any work to do. You also don't want to drain your cell phone battery by tethering your mobile phone to your laptop in order to access the Internet. Instead, if you are on the road a good deal of the time, it is time to consider investing in airport lounge access. This way, you not only have free wireless Internet, but free refreshments, comfortable seating and other amenities. This way, you won't feel as stressed in the main terminal, plus you can actually finish work at the same time. 

Have a Plan

There are times where nothing seems to go right while traveling, and should this happen during your business trip, it is very important to have a plan set out for such an event. You want backup copies of all of your travel documents, so should you lose the primary documents you always have a backup. You should have the presentation file saved on multiple flash drives, and you should be ready for anything. This way, when the plans suddenly change, you are ready for it. You don't want to be a thousand miles away from your office, only to discover your flash drive is now corrupt. 

Travel Expert

photo credit: laverrue via photopin cc

Topics: Business travel, corporate travel tips